
making landscaping beautiful and beneficial

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making landscaping beautiful and beneficial

Landscaping your yard could be more beneficial than you think. The landscaping can actually be more than just beautiful - it could be effective in controlling water flow and pests in your yard. How do you create a landscape design that will be both beautiful and beneficial? Are some plants better and more hardy than others? How do you choose what plants to place where? How much hardscape does your design need? These and many other landscaping questions are answered on my website. Take a moment to read up on my personal experiences and learn from what I have been through in the past.

How Can A Professional Lawn Care Service Help With Long-Term Yard Care?

You probably already know that hiring professionals to care for your lawn is a great way to keep your yard looking well-groomed and green. While everyone wants a great-looking yard, most homeowners know that a beautifully green lawn doesn't happen overnight. Keeping your yard looking good enough to star on a magazine cover often requires years of work, care, and routine maintenance.

Fortunately, working with a professional lawn care company is often the best way to ensure your yard gets this kind of care without putting in so much long and hard labor yourself. If you think the pros are all about style and no substance, here are three ways professional lawn care is a great way to maintain your yard over the long term. 

1. Soil Care

It's easy to imagine that a lawn is substantially different from a garden, but nothing could be further from the truth. Like maintaining an edible or ornamental garden, maintaining your lawn is, first and foremost, about soil care. Grass requires high-quality soil with plenty of nutrients, and low-quality soil can make your grass less resistant and more prone to disease and pest issues.

Professionals will help build your soil up throughout the year, ensuring it stays as healthy as possible to support a lush and vibrant yard. This care will typically include everything from aeration to topdressing. These steps keep your soil well-drained, nutrient-rich, and full of the life necessary to keep your grass growing beautifully.

2. Inspection and Troubleshooting

One of the most substantial benefits of working with an experienced lawn care company is that these professionals know how to spot trouble before it can spread across your lawn. Many conditions, such as droughts or unusually heavy rainfall, can cause minor and temporary lawn problems. However, it's important to know the difference between these ephemeral issues and more serious ones.

Working with a lawn care company throughout the year means their workers will get to know your lawn, making it easier for them to spot issues resulting from infestations, diseases, soil problems, or other hazards. The sooner they spot these issues, the quicker they can troubleshoot the problem and offer a solution to keep your yard looking great.

3. Proper Mowing

Everyone wants a well-manicured lawn, but there's no one-size-fits-all rule for keeping a healthy and beautiful lawn. The best height for your lawn can vary based on the grass species, your local climate, and even the season. Keeping your grass at the correct height will help promote the healthiest possible lawn over the long run.

The good news is a professional lawn care company will know exactly how tall to keep your grass, ensuring that you don't damage the plant by cutting it too short or letting it grow too long. Maintaining a proper mowing routine all year long will keep your grass at its healthiest, ultimately helping you create a picture-perfect lawn.