
making landscaping beautiful and beneficial

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making landscaping beautiful and beneficial

Landscaping your yard could be more beneficial than you think. The landscaping can actually be more than just beautiful - it could be effective in controlling water flow and pests in your yard. How do you create a landscape design that will be both beautiful and beneficial? Are some plants better and more hardy than others? How do you choose what plants to place where? How much hardscape does your design need? These and many other landscaping questions are answered on my website. Take a moment to read up on my personal experiences and learn from what I have been through in the past.

4 Landscaping Additions To Consider For A Custom Pool

A landscape architect company offers landscaping services for your custom swimming pool. With so many landscaping options available, architectural landscaping narrows down the choices that will work best in your custom pool area. Discover four landscaping ideas to consider for your custom pool.

1. Vegetation

Some custom pool owners want their backyard to feel like an oasis. You can choose plants like palm trees, ferns, and bamboo. Any decorative plants will work in your swimming pool environment. However, plant debris can make the water dirty. Therefore, locate the plants far from the pool's edge, or opt for artificial plants or protective nets.

If unsure of what custom pool area vegetation to go for, let your local landscape architect company advise you.

2. Water Features

Custom swimming pools include various water features, from simple fountains to elaborate waterfall designs. Water features add visual interest and create a focal point in your poolscape. They can also provide the soothing sound of running water to mask street noise and other unwanted sounds. 

When selecting water features for your custom pool, consider maintenance and energy costs, as well as the overall aesthetic you are trying to achieve. An architectural landscape company can help you develop the best water feature design for your custom swimming pool.

3. Raised Pool Decks

A raised pool deck is a great way to make your pool more accessible. It helps keep your pool clean by keeping debris out of the water. Unfortunately, it also influences the design of the drainage system around your house. Therefore, consider raising your lawn slopes away from your home to protect your in-ground swimming from debris.

Architectural landscape companies can develop several raised deck designs so that you can choose the best. In addition, if you have a theme in mind, the company can tailor the designs to reflect your theme.

4. Lighting

One of the most important aspects of any landscape is lighting. Proper lighting designs can significantly improve the look of your swimming pool at night. In addition, adequate lighting is essential for the safety of your custom swimming pool. 

Architectural landscape companies offer different lighting design options. For example, you can choose between traditional flood lights, LED lights, or natural lighting elements. Each option has its benefits and drawbacks. Therefore, consult your local landscape architect company for advice.


Landscaping your custom pool is a great way to add value to your home and make it more enjoyable. Adding the landscaping features discussed above is a great way to achieve this. Therefore, contact a local landscape architecture company for more information, like Philip Moser Associates.