
making landscaping beautiful and beneficial

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making landscaping beautiful and beneficial

Landscaping your yard could be more beneficial than you think. The landscaping can actually be more than just beautiful - it could be effective in controlling water flow and pests in your yard. How do you create a landscape design that will be both beautiful and beneficial? Are some plants better and more hardy than others? How do you choose what plants to place where? How much hardscape does your design need? These and many other landscaping questions are answered on my website. Take a moment to read up on my personal experiences and learn from what I have been through in the past.

Recommendations to Improve Your Yard's Condition and Appearance

Your yard can add a big improvement to your property, especially the more well-maintained its landscaping is. As a homeowner, you have some choices with your landscaping and you can handle it all on your own or hire a landscaping professional to help you get it where you want it to be and keep it maintained. Here are some tips and additions you can use in your landscaping to help you improve your yard's appearance, condition, and health.

1. Plant a Few Trees

Trees can give your yard a beneficial beauty that can be accomplished with any other type of vegetation. Because trees grow upward, they add visual interest from above and provide shade for a large area in your yard, which can be invaluable during the summer's hot months. Additionally, your yard will be more pleasant and the trees that provide it will attract birds and other wildlife.

Just be sure you plant your trees appropriately in your yard and not too close to your home to prevent foundation damage. Consider the size of the tree at full growth and plant it several feet's distance from your home to allow space for the roots to grow unimpeded by your foundation.

Also, look at the tree's position to your home and plant it on the southern and western sides of your home for the benefits of shade. If you want to give your home a wind block in the winter, plant a row of coniferous trees on the northern side of your home spaced away from your home to make a wind block and add year-round beauty.

Dig a hole for your tree double the width of and the same depth of its root ball and add some starter fertilizer to the soil to boost the tree's health. Look for a fertilizer containing a good level of phosphorous and mycorrhizae fungi to help the tree get off to a good start. Then, apply a wood chip mulch over the tree's root area, leaving several inches of clearance around the base of the tree's trunk to prevent disease.

2. Care for Bedding Areas

A good landscaping bedding area needs to be free of weeds and rich in nutrients to be beneficial to your vegetation. To help you accomplish this, you can add in a landscape fabric around your vegetation with a mulch covering or just apply a thick layer of mulch, such as wood chips or bark. The wood chips reduce the occurrence of weed growth and add nutrients back to your soil as they break down. And as an added benefit, the wood chips make your bedding soil look more uniform and rich and also hold in moisture within the soil.

Let your landscaper know what elements you want in your yard and they can help you add them to your landscaping to beautify your property. For more information, visit websites like