
making landscaping beautiful and beneficial

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making landscaping beautiful and beneficial

Landscaping your yard could be more beneficial than you think. The landscaping can actually be more than just beautiful - it could be effective in controlling water flow and pests in your yard. How do you create a landscape design that will be both beautiful and beneficial? Are some plants better and more hardy than others? How do you choose what plants to place where? How much hardscape does your design need? These and many other landscaping questions are answered on my website. Take a moment to read up on my personal experiences and learn from what I have been through in the past.

Which Popular Ash Tree Should You Plant In Your Yard

Known for their compound leaves and scaly bark, ash trees are common throughout North America. There are many species of ash, but only three are common across the country. Knowing a little about each one will help you decide which is best to plant in your yard. It may also be useful to identify the species of ash currently in your yard, so you can plant more of the same.

White Ash

This species of ash is native to the eastern United States, but it can be grown in other regions. It thrives in wide-open areas, and it needs plenty of space to thrive, since it is such a large tree. Many white ash trees reach up to 30 meters in height when mature. Their bark is thick and dark gray in color with diamond-shaped ridges.

White ash trees grow best in moist soils and are tolerant of a wide pH range, through they do require full sunlight to thrive. They are susceptible to diseases such as ash yellows. To protect your trees, you should avoid bringing any other wood onto your property, as it may contain the pathogens that cause this condition.

Black Ash

Black ash trees are smaller than white ash, reaching a maximum of 18 meters in height. They are named for their dark gray bark, which leaves powdery residue on your hands when touched. The black ash thrives in swampy lands and bogs and will tolerate cool climates. Its dark green leaves are very broad and flat with toothed margins.

Black ash trees are hard to grow, but you may have success if you start with sapling from a garden center rather than starting from seed. They require very wet soils, and they will not tolerate any shade. However, they are not nearly as susceptible to disease as other ash varieties. Once established, they are rather hardy.

Green Ash

Green ash trees reach between 35 and 65 feet (20 meters) in height. They are known for their flat, bright green leaves that feature a few root hairs along the veins. Their bark is brownish gray in color and has a furrowed, diamond pattern similar to that of the white ash.

This is perhaps the easiest species of ash tree to grow. It can withstand short periods of flooding as well as some drought. Green ash can also tolerate a wide array of pH values, though it prefers full shade. Diseases such as anthracnose and ash yellows are common, so precautions should be taken to keep potentially infected wood off of your property if you have green ash trees.

White, green and black ash can all be beautiful additions to your property.  Choose the tree that's best adapted to your climate and landscape, and plant a few. Within a few years, you'll have beautiful, majestic trees to enjoy in your yard.

You can also get professional help from companies liek Glynn Young's Landscaping & Nursery Center.